19 October 2021
When should I see the fertility expert?

When should I see the fertility expert?

The fertility expert can give me the right direction I need, solve all my questions and help me get my baby quickly and easily. One in 6 couples has difficulty conceiving. The sooner I investigate the factors that may negatively affect my try, the sooner I will succeed!
19 October 2021
First fertility consultation: 5 questions you need to ask your fertility expert.

First fertility consultation: 5 questions you need to ask your fertility expert.

The initial consultation with your fertility expert is the first step in your journey towards parenthood. It is very important because you will get all the medical information about your treatment and you will get to know the team that will support you all the way.
5 July 2021
The dilemma of classic IVF or ICSI.

The dilemma of classic IVF or ICSI.

Comparative studies between classic IVF and ICSI suggest that pregnancy rates are similar regardless of the number of eggs available. ICSI has been shown to offer nothing more to IVF success when sperm has normal values. Exceptions are a history of low or failed fertilization, oxidative stress and increased DFI.
30 June 2021
Are you about to start an IVF treatment? Here are 5 important tips from our IVF coordinator-midwife. Don’t miss them!

Are you about to start an IVF treatment? Here are 5 important tips from our IVF coordinator-midwife. Don’t miss them!

Are you about to start an IVF treatment? Here are 5 important tips from our IVF coordinator-midwife. Don’t miss them!
28 June 2021
5+1 FAQs on IVF

5+1 FAQs on IVF

Do I need IVF treatment? And if so, what should I do? We have all heard about IVF, maybe a friend, a relative, a colleague has […]
18 June 2021


Age is not the only factor that can affect fertility. That’s why we should never neglect our annual gynecological check-up and we should always consult with the expert for any symptom. We can also have a simple fertility check-up, to monitor our ovary reserve. Every couple is unique, every case needs a personalized approach.
7 June 2021
Male infertility

Male infertility

Fertility is not just a female issue. Male fertility is also very important and must be considered. Male infertility is responsible for half of the infertility cases. Today, we have the technology to diagnose it and treat it.
7 June 2021
I have polycystic ovaries and I am trying for a baby. 10 things I need to know.

I have polycystic ovaries and I am trying for a baby. 10 things I need to know.

Each woman’s fertility is unique as her finger print. Each couple is special and requires a tailor-made treatment plan. Of course, the causes of infertility differ amongst couples, so treatment is not the same for all. This week we will talk about some causes of infertility in general. Let’s see some basic data, some of your questions and learn more about what can cause infertility. We should always have in mind that the fertility expert can give us the answers to all our questions. Today we will talk about polycystic ovaries (PCO).
27 May 2021
IVF true story. The road sometimes is rocky.

IVF true story. The road sometimes is rocky.

Severe male infertility. Stress as an obstacle to your fertility journey. Every couple is special, every baby is unique. This is our philosophy. We know very well that some cases are more difficult than others. So today, let’s talk about a case like that.
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