20 October 2023
5th Biennial European Congress of the International Society for Infectious Diseases in Gynecology and Obstetrics (ISIDOG).

5th Biennial European Congress of the International Society for Infectious Diseases in Gynecology and Obstetrics (ISIDOG).

5th Biennial European Congress of the International Society for Infectious Diseases in Gynecology and Obstetrics (ISIDOG). The head fertility expert of Gennima IVF team, Mr. Evripidis Mantoudis was there, as Chair of a really interesting session! How does the virus that causes COVID (coronavirus) affect male fertility and pregnancy?
8 November 2022
Myths about male fertility.

Myths about male fertility.

Movember! It’s not only about the moustache but also about raising awareness on men’s health issues. So, let’s talk about male fertility and infertility and debunk some myths around it!
14 September 2022
Era test- does it work?

Era test- does it work?

What is ERA testing? Endometrial receptivity array (ERA) is a diagnostic procedure that may help determine whether the endometrial cavity is ready for embryo implantation. ERA involves biopsying a small sample of the endometrium, or lining of the uterus, for molecular analysis. Fertility expert Mr. Evripidis Mantoudis FRCOG comments: According to new data it appears that ERA test does not predict the implantation window. Although it had been promoted at conferences in recent years, I had always been skeptical about its value and whether it could deliver what it promised.
22 July 2022
Before and after your first fertility consultation

Before and after your first fertility consultation

The first fertility consultation is your first step to investigate infertility factors that prevent you from getting pregnant. This is especially so for couples that have already had an IVF and need a second opinion. Your first consultation with our team and the fertility experts is your best chance to have all the answers you need about your trying to conceive. It’s your first step towards parenthood!
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