The journey to parenthood was not so easy for us. From all that happened, I remember that Mr. Mantoudis had told us that when the baby comes, we will not remember anything. The bitter taste will go away. And now that I am writing this “thank you” card I do not remember anything bad happening to us. The most amazing thing of all is that the miracle happened to us twice! Today we have two fantastic babies in our arms!!
We feel very lucky to have had Mr. Mantoudis and the wonderful team of Gennima by our side all the way. Our doctor, midwife Evi Synodinou and their team never left us alone even though we actually were not in Athens as we had the twins abroad.
The pregnancy was rather quite adventurous for us and we were afraid that our little ones would be born prematurely. With the continuous support from Gennima this did not happen and on February 2nd we left 2 (me and my husband) from our house and on February 08th we returned twice as many (me, my husband, our baby girl and our baby boy!).
We feel very grateful!! With lots of love to all!!
A big thank you!!